Thursday, April 01, 2010

Not March Madness: Adafruit GPS Log Shield

Adafruit GPS Shield
Originally uploaded by flirianders.

Yea, I get to do something nice and physical tonight. I soldered up the Adafruit GPS log shield and didn't have to write a program to see if it worked. So satisfying. I'm going to got o bed around 11pm.

No longer do I have to program from 10pm to midnight, and then debug until satisfied. I can do it tomorrow. Yea! Another thought about March madness is some projects had physical components, then the Arduino sketch, and then some program that listened to the serial port. That program would have to talk to some web server, and ... so on. Tough to get all that done in one day.

Here's a Flickr set of the fun I had:

Next time I promise no iPhone documentation.I'll get my real camera.

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