Saturday, March 13, 2010

March Madness Challenge - Day 13

Exploration of the zip, izip functions in Python. The code doesn't really get to the meaning and best use of the zip, and izip functions. Another piece of code I'm going to have to revisit later. I'll be exploring Python test frameworks soon, hopefully, I can revisit the testing and bench marking using one of the official Python frameworks.

from itertools import izip

c1 = ["ft","fu","fs","fv"]
c2 = ["gt","gu","gs","gv"]
c3 = ["ht","hu","hs","hv"]
c4 = ["it","iu","is","iv"]

c = [c1,c2,c3,c4]
ind = ["r1","r2","r3","r4"]

def showit(c):
for i in c:
for k in i:
print k
def izipit(c):
for (i,k) in izip(ind, c):
print i
print k

def zipit(ind, c):
d = dict(zip(ind, c))
return d

print "showit(c)"
print "izipit(c)"
print "zipit(c)"
print zipit(ind, c)

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